Westpark Tech Development Moves Forward Following Council Approval

In a 5-2 vote, the Leesburg Town Council has given the green light to the Westpark Tech development, paving the way for a new flex industrial building on the site of the former Westpark Hotel and Golf Club.
Located on Clubhouse Drive, the 86,400-square-foot building will be constructed with specific conditions, including a prohibition on data center use. The applicant, Clubhouse Dr. LLC, has agreed to demolish the existing clubhouse building once their site plan application is approved, which is expected to happen within four months.
Community Development Director James David praised the collaborative effort between staff and the applicant, saying it resulted in a project that works best for the site, considering its proximity to nearby residences.
The approval marks a significant step forward for the Westpark Tech development, which promises to bring new life to the area. However, not everyone was on board, with Vice Mayor Neil Steinberg and Council Member Kari Nacy casting

More information on the project can be found by accessing the Town’s eTRAKiT system at www.leesburgva.gov/etrakit.