Leesburg, VA (December 18, 2023) – Leesburg’s annual bulk leaf collection will end the week of December 25. Leaves must be in the street no later than 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, December 27 as Town crews make their final run through the neighborhoods. The planned collection schedule will be as follows:
• Wednesday, December 27: NE and NW Leesburg
• Thursday, December 28: SE and SW Leesburg
• Friday, December 29: Historic downtown and flagging areas
After this date and time, any new leaves must be set out in covered trash cans or placed in bags for collection by Patriot Disposal, Inc., the Town’s trash and recycling contractor.
If residents have leaves during the winter months, and they are prepared as noted above, they will be collected as trash on residents’ regular trash and recycling collection days. For more information, please call 703-771-2790.