Leesburg’s Thomas Balch Library to Host Unique Genealogy and Law Lecture

Judy Russell

In an enriching blend of law and lineage, the Friends of the Thomas Balch Library in Leesburg, VA, are set to host an engaging lecture entitled “Cracking the Code: Legal & Genetic Genealogy” on March 20, 2024. This event promises to guide attendees through the intricate relationship between legal intricacies and genealogical research, a niche that Judy G. Russell, known as The Legal Genealogist®, specializes in. With her unique expertise, Russell aims to illuminate the paths families can take to reconnect with their roots, especially when conventional records are lost or inaccessible.

Russell, who combines her legal background with her passion for genealogy, will tackle two main topics during her lecture. “After the Courthouse Burns: Rekindling Family through DNA” offers strategies for overcoming the loss of vital records, a common obstacle for many tracing their ancestry. The second part, “DNA and the Golden Rule: The Law and Ethics of Genetic Genealogy,” delves into the ethical considerations and legal standards that come into play when using DNA for genealogical purposes.

This event is not just a lecture but an opportunity for members of the community to engage with genealogy on a deeper level, understanding not just the how but the why behind genealogical research. The cost of attendance is set at $30 for members of the Friends of the Thomas Balch Library, $40 for nonmembers, and $60 at the door, should seats still be available. Given the limited seating, those interested are encouraged to register in advance by contacting the library.

Judy G. Russell is not only an internationally recognized lecturer but also an award-winning writer, holding prestigious certifications from the Board for Certification of Genealogists®. Her insights and experiences promise to make “Cracking the Code: Legal & Genetic Genealogy” a must-attend for anyone interested in the fields of genealogy and legal studies.