As warmer weather approaches, it is a perfect opportunity to tackle spring cleaning and projects around the house. As you clean, please remember some important safety recommendations from the Loudoun County Combined Fire and Rescue System.
Around the house
- Test and clean smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. We recommend testing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors monthly and changing batteries regularly. If your smoke alarms are not working properly, call our smoke alarm program hotline at 703-737-8093 or visit loudoun.gov/smokealarms.
- Make sure all exits around the home and escape routes are clear of debris and are easily accessible.
- Reduce clutter in and around your home! Clear at least a three-foot space around your electrical panel, furnace, hot water heater, fireplace, space heaters and dryer.
- Have furnaces, chimneys and air conditioning units cleaned and inspected by a licensed professional.
- Check electrical outlets, extension cords and power strips to ensure they’re appropriately sized and are not overloaded. Remember, cords stretched across the floor can be a trip hazard!
- Store all cleaning products, household chemicals, paints, and poisons in properly marked containers safely out of children’s reach.
- If you smoke outside, use only an appropriate container for properly discarding smoking materials. Use a metal or ceramic pot filled with sand or water. NEVER use a container filled with soil or plants OR one made of anything flammable!
- Place smoking receptacles away from the house. NEVER place containers on the porch, deck, or just outside the door. Hot embers can smolder for days!
- Ensure all unused, unwanted, or expired medications are disposed of properly to prevent improper use and accidental exposure. The Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office has drug collection units available at several locations throughout the County. Visit their website for a full list of collection locations and other disposal options.
- Loudoun County hosts numerous Household Hazardous Waste events each year for residents to safely dispose of used and unwanted household hazardous materials. View a list of events and acceptable items.
For an electronic and mobile friendly spring-cleaning safety checklist, visit SafeWise. Get additional fire prevention and life safety information by calling the Loudoun County Fire Marshal’s Office at 703-737-8600 or visiting loudoun.gov/firemarshal.