The Loudoun County Department of Parks, Recreation and Community Services (PRCS) is seeking input from county residents regarding the naming and branding of the planned countywide Linear Parks and Trails (LPAT) system. The comprehensive system will provide a variety of functions and benefits, including recreation, alternative transportation, wildlife habitat, water quality protection, flood hazard reduction, aquifer recharge, erosion prevention, property value enhancement, economic development, and scenic beauty.
Loudoun County PRCS is seeking input from community members to provide guidance and identify values that can contribute to the naming and branding of the trails system. Loudoun PRCS is working with a professional branding agency to conduct a survey that measures the preferences of Loudoun County residents. The survey will help identify the specific resources and experiences visitors enjoy when they visit or use a PRCS park or trail.
The survey takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. The survey is confidential and individual responses will not be shared.
In addition to the survey, two virtual public workshops will be hosted by Loudoun PRCS and the branding agency, Eastern Standard. Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to provide additional feedback on the future trail system.
There are two options for attending a workshop on Thursday, October 19, 2023.
The LPAT plan was approved by the Loudoun County Board of Supervisors in July 2021 and will provide an interconnected, countywide linear parks and trails system. The LPAT plan offers a roadmap for the county and its partners to build out an interconnected system that protects natural and cultural resources, honors Loudoun County’s unique sense of place, and connects residents to each other and to the county’s natural and cultural landscapes, communities, and destinations. The plan seeks to provide multiuse experiences along its corridors for hikers, walkers, nature enthusiasts, runners, equestrians, cyclists, and canoe and kayak paddlers.
More Information
Details about LPAT are available at loudoun.gov/linearparksandtrails. Residents who are interested in staying informed about the project of the LPAT project are encouraged to sign up for email or text updates by visiting the project webpage.